
  1. Dominguez Ruben, L., Naito, K., Gutierrez, R., Szupiany, R., and Abad, J. (2021), Meander statistic Toolbox (MStaT): A toolbox for geometry characterization of bends in large meandering channels. SoftwareX, 
  2. Dominguez L., Gutierrez R., Ponte Y., Abad J. D., Carerra O. (2018). Dynamic characterization of meandering channels planform. International conference in river engineering and fluvial hydraulics River Flow 2018. Lyon-Villeurbanne, France. Proceeding 171693.
  3. Dominguez L., Ponte Y., Gutierrez R., Abad J. D. (2017). MStaT (Meander Statistics Toolbox): Una herramienta computacional para la caracterización de cauces meandriformes. Memorias del VIII Simposio Regional sobre hidráulica de Ríos. Córdoba, Argentina. Editec by Garcia C. M., Spalletti P., Farias H. D.
  4. Gutierrez, R. R., Abad, J. D., 2014. On the analysis of the medium term planform dynamics of meandering rivers. Water Resources Research 50,3714-3733.


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